Stellar Converter for Microsoft 365
Stellar Converter for Microsoft 365
1. What does the demo version of the software do?
Using demo version of the software you can only preview your mailbox data but cannot convert and save it. To save your mailbox data you need to purchase and activate Stellar Converter for Microsoft 365.
2. Why do I require to convert my Microsoft 365 data?
Microsoft 365 account needs an online connectivity to access your data. Using Stellar Converter for Microsoft 365, you can convert your mailbox data to PST format and access it offline.
3. Can I save selective mail or folder from my Microsoft 365 mailbox using Stellar Converter for Microsoft 365?
Yes, Stellar Converter for Microsoft 365 application allows you to save data selectively. Users can:
Take complete backup of Microsoft 365 account.
Save data of individual folder (including sub-folders).
Convert and save an individual mail.
4. In which formats can I save my converted data?
You can save your converted mailbox in PST format.
5. Is the process of converting and saving Microsoft 365 data is similar for server and local machine?
Yes, the process of converting and saving Microsoft 365 data is same for both server and local machine. After establishing the connection, you can start the process of conversion. To know how to connect to mailbox, see Connect to Microsoft 365 Account.
6. At one time, how many Microsoft 365 files can be converted?
There is no limit to how many mailboxes you covert using Stellar Converter for Microsoft 365.
7. Are there any file size limitations to convert Microsoft 365 files?
There is no limit to how big is the file size, Stellar Converter for Microsoft 365 sets no limitations for it.
8. Why does it take so much time to load the mailboxes?
Stellar Converter for Microsoft 365 is a internet based application, thus loading of mail completely depend on the speed of the internet and the number of mailboxes.
9. What are Connected Mailboxes and Disconnected Mailboxes?
The difference between the both are:
Connected Mailboxes: The data of the mailboxes that are accessed after scanning are shown in this mailbox category.
Disconnected Mailboxes: In case of multiple mailboxes, the mailboxes that Stellar Converter for Microsoft 365 was not able to access after scanning are shown in this mailbox category. This happens when the mailboxes do not have administrator rights or mailboxes have been disabled. To provide the access to these mailboxes, necessary permissions needs to be provided by the administrator using Microsoft 365 server. See Connect to Microsoft 365 Account to know more.
10. How can I connect the disconnected mailboxes?
To connect the disconnected mailboxes, provide them access. Necessary permissions needs to be provided to the administrator using Microsoft 365 server. After providing the required permissions, right click on Disconnected Mailboxes and click Refresh All. The mailbox will now move to the Connected Mailboxes category. See Connect to Microsoft 365 Account to know more.
11. What will happen if I click Stop while the files are loading in the mailbox?
It is recommended that you must load the mailbox completely. Else the files will be loaded till that point when you stop the process.
12. Can I access the sub folders and items in the listed folders?
Yes, you can. Expand the appropriate folder from the left pane of the table in tree like structure and view it's sub folder and items.
13. How can I find mails with attachments?
You can find attachment icon in the first column of the middle pane of the table while previewing the mailbox. The mails with icon will have the attachments.
14. Can I view the name of the attachments, without opening them?
Yes definitely. On the right pane of the screen is the preview area where you can view the names and the number of the attachments. See Preview Mailbox Items to know more.
15. Should Microsoft Outlook be installed in my system while I work with Stellar Converter for Microsoft 365 and it works well with which version?
Yes, Microsoft Outlook must be installed in your system. This application is compatible with the following versions:
Microsoft Outlook: 2021 / 2019 / 2016 / 2013 / 2010 (Outlook 2010 with Service Pack 2).
16. Can I save my Log Report?
Yes, absolutely. After opening the Log Report, press Ctrl + S from the keyboard to save it at the desired location. See View Log Report to know more.
17. I want my Calendars and Contacts, how do I convert them using Stellar Converter for Microsoft 365 tool?
First you need to Convert and Save the mailbox into PST file using the Stellar Converter for Microsoft 365 software. Then, import the PST file in Microsoft Outlook and check your calendars and contacts.
18. Can I save my contact list?
You have two options to save your contacts:
From Tools Ribbon and select Save Contacts. Use this option to save the repaired contacts from the mailbox in .CSV format.
From Navigation tree while on Mail tab, select Contacts from the tree and select Save icon from Home Ribbon. Refer to Convert and Save Data section for further process.
19. After saving the mailbox in PST format. How to view and access the mailbox items?
After you have saved the mailbox in PST format, you can import the PST file in MS Outlook to view the mailbox items. See Import PST file in MS Outlook, to know how to import PST file.