To install the software, follow the steps: 

  • Double-click 'StellarRepairforVideo.exe'. A setup dialog box is displayed.
  • Click 'Next' to continue. 'License Agreement' dialog box is displayed. 
  • Select 'I accept the agreement' option. Click 'Next' to continue. 
  • Specify location where installation files are to be stored. Click 'Next' to continue. 
  • Select the folder where files are to be stored. A default folder is suggested in 'Select Start Menu Folder' box. Click on 'Browse' to select a different location. Click 'Next'. 
  • In 'Select Additional Tasks' dialog box, choose the check box as per your choice. Click 'Next'.
  • Review entries. Click 'Back' if you want to make any changes. Click 'Install' to start installation. The Installing screen shows the installation process.
  • After completion of installation process, 'Completing Video Repair Setup Wizard' screen opens. Click 'Finish'.