Stellar Toolkit for iPhone
Stellar Toolkit for iPhone
There are periodic software updates for Stellar Toolkit for iPhone. The software updates should be done to keep the software up-to-date. The updates can be a newly added functionality, a new feature, a new service or any other information that can be important for improvement. The update option in the application is capable of checking for the latest updates. It checks the both latest minor and major versions available online. You can easily download the updates through the update wizard. While updating the software, it is recommended to close all running programs.
To update the application, follow the steps given below:
Click on the Update button from the Tools menu bar. The Update Wizard is displayed.
Click Next. A busy timer indicates the searching of updates. If it finds any new version, a message indicates the availability.
If a message displays that no updates are available, click Cancel to close the wizard.
Click Next. The software starts downloading the update files from the server. The software upgrades to the latest version, when the process completes.