Stellar Reporter & Auditor for Exchange Server
Stellar Reporter & Auditor for Exchange Server
Stellar Reporter & Auditor for Exchange Server regularly scans the exchange server to provide better audit and analysis results. With the Schedule Scan feature you can schedule Stellar Reporter & Auditor for Exchange Server to scan the server at a time and frequency you choose. For specific auditing, you can also choose a specific module to scan.
To schedule a scan:
1. Login to Stellar Reporter & Auditor for Exchange Server.
2. From the Navigation Pane, click on Admin -> Scheduler -> Schedule Scan.
3. A Schedule Scan window is displayed as shown below:
4. In the Task Name field, enter the name for the task that you want to schedule for scanning operation.
5. In the Global Catalog Server field, select the server from the drop-down list that you want to scan.
6. In the Scan For field, select the module from the drop-down list that you want to scan:
7. In the Frequency field, select the scheduled frequency for scanning from the drop-down list.
8. In the Time field, enter the time when you want to start the scanning process.
9. There are some extra fields which you will be asked to fill when you will select the Mailbox Content, Public Folder Content, Traffic Logs and OWA Logs module as given below.
To scan for Mailbox Content module and Public Folder Content you need to fill a form that comprises of the following:
After filling the entries in the form. Click on Scan.
To scan for Traffic Logs and OWA Logs you need to choose the Log Files Date. Choose the Log Files Date filed from the drop-down list:
Note: Mandatory fields are compulsory you are required to fill those field that are marked by * . Other fields without * are optional fields which are not compulsory to fill. It is completely your wish to select optional filed as per your requirements. The form is mix of both the fields. Think carefully while filling the data.
10. Click Create.