Stellar Repair for PowerPoint
Stellar Repair for PowerPoint
Stellar releases periodical software updates for Stellar Repair for PowerPoint software. You can update the software to keep it up-to-date. These updates can add new functionality, feature, service, or any other information that can improve the software. Update option of the application is capable of checking for latest updates. It check for both latest minor and major versions available online. You can easily download minor version through the update wizard. However, the major version, if available, has to be purchased. While updating the software, it’s recommended to close all the running programs.
Go to Tools ribbon in Menu Bar. Click Update button.
Update Wizard window will open. Click Next. The wizard will search for latest updates, and if it finds any new updates, a window will pop up indicating its availability.
Click Next and the software will download the files from the update server. When the process is complete, the software will upgrade to the latest version.
Internet connection failure.
Updates are not available.
Unable to download configuration files
Unable to locate updated files or version
Unable to locate executable file
Note: If a major version is available, you need to purchase the software to upgrade it.