Stellar Repair for OLM
Stellar Repair for OLM
Before installing the software, ensure that your system meets minimum system requirements.
Operating System: Mac OS 10.12 and above
Memory: 8 GB (recommended) 4 GB (minimum)
Hard Disk: 250 MB for installation files
To install Stellar Repair for OLM, follow these steps:
Unpack file.
Decompressing the zip file and double click the dmg file. This step will mount a virtual volume - StellarRepairforOLM.
Double-click StellarRepairforOLM volume to open Stellar Repair for OLM application window.
Drag Stellar Repair for OLM file to the Applications folder.
To launch the software, double click on Stellar Repair for OLM file in Applications folder.
This displays License Agreement. If user accepts the License Agreement, then the software is launched; otherwise, it terminates.
Note: To remove the software, drag and drop the Stellar Repair for OLM file from Applications folder to Trash.