Stellar Repair for Exchange
Stellar Repair for Exchange
With Stellar Repair for Exchange, you can view the Log Report to analyze the repairing process at a later stage.
To view the log report:
Click on View ribbon and select Log Report.
The Log Report divides in two types of logs:
1. Scanning Logs:
Scanning Logs shows the information related to scanning process. This log provides the following information:
File Path: Shows the location of the file.
File Size: Shows the size of the EDB.
Scan Type: Shows the type of scan (Quick or Extensive scan) that you selected for the scanning process.
Total Mailboxes: Shows the total number of mailboxes with their names.
2. Export Data Logs
Export Data Logs shows detailed logs of data that was exported using the application. This log provides the following information:
Source File Path: Shows the source location of the file from where you want to retrieved the data.
Export Type: Shows the type of file format that you have selected for saving the data.
Destination File Path: Shows the destination location of the file with date and time where you want to export the data.
Exporting Mailbox: Shows the name of the mailbox of the scanned EDB file.
Exporting Folder: Shows the name of the folder of the respective mailbox.
Exporting Items: Shows the number of exported items of that folder.
In the end of the log report, displays a message "Data Saved Successfully" with the following information:
Saved Mailboxes: Shows the total number of saved mailboxes.
Aborted Mailboxes: Shows total number of aborted mailboxes.
Removed Mailboxes: Shows total number of removed mailboxes.
Failed Mailboxes: Shows total number of failed mailboxes.
Mailbox Status: Shows status of the mailbox.