Stellar Repair for Exchange
Stellar Repair for Exchange
The Map Mailboxes dialog box displays a list of Mapped and Not Mapped mailboxes. To map the Not Mapped mailboxes or to change the destination mailbox of a Mapped Mailbox follow the steps given below:
Note: To know how to open Map Mailboxes dialog box, refer Export Mailbox to Live Exchange Server Steps 1 to 6.
On the Map Mailboxes dialog box, click on the Edit icon of the respective row of the mailbox. A Map to Destination Mailbox dialog box appears, as shown below:
The Map to Destination Mailbox dialog box lists all the existing mailboxes on the Live Exchange Server. This dialog box has the following two columns:
Mailbox Name: Mailbox Name is often the username of the recipient in the destination server. This column shows the name of the existing mailbox of the user on the Live Exchange Server..
Mailbox Email ID: Mailbox Email ID shows the e-mail address of the recipient of the destination server.
Canonical Name Column: Canonical Name specifies an alias or a nickname for the official. This columns provides the alias or nickname of the User so that you can find the User easily.
Department Column: This column provides the information about the User's department in the organization.
Home MDB Column: This column provides the information about the URL of the mailbox store of the recipient
Click on the desired row of the mailbox to select the user for mapping. You can also search using the Mailbox Name or Mailbox Email ID using the search bars on the top of the respective column.
Click OK to select the mailbox for mapping and return to the Map Mailboxes screen.