Stellar Migrator for Exchange
Stellar Migrator for Exchange
Double-click on the setup installer of Stellar Migrator for Exchange to start the installation. Stellar Migrator for Exchange setup wizard window displays.
Click Next to continue the installation.
Note: It is recommended that you close all other applications before continuing the installation.
License Agreement window displays. Choose I accept the agreement option.The software enables the Next button. If you select I do not accept the agreement, the Next button will remain disabled.
Click Next. Select Destination Location window displays.
Click Browse to choose the destination path where you want to store the setup files.
Note: To install the Stellar Migrator for Exchange setup, you need at least 213.0 MB of free disk space.
Click Next. Select Additional Task window displays. Select the additional tasks you would like the setup to perform while installing Stellar Migrator for Exchange.
Select the Create a desktop shortcut checkbox under Additional Shortcuts if you want to create a shortcut on your desktop.
Click Next. Ready to Install window will appear, displaying the destination location for your setup files and additional tasks.
Click Install to proceed with the installation, or click Back if you want to review or change any settings. The Installation window shows the installation process.
After completing the process, Completing the Stellar Migrator for Exchange Setup Wizard window displays. Click Finish.
Note: Clear Launch Stellar Migrator for Exchange check box to prevent the software from launching automatically.