Stellar Migrator for Exchange
Stellar Migrator for Exchange
You can export the Job Progress and Mailbox Progress reports from a dashboard. These reports are essential for tracking the migration process, as they provide an overview of key metrics.
This report provides detailed information about the Job progress, as given below:
Source Mailbox and Source Type: Details of the source mailbox and its type.
Target Mailbox and Target Type: Information on the target mailbox and its type.
Migration Progress: Percentage of migration completed.
Total Items vs. Migrated Items: Comparison of total items to migrated items.
Filtered Items: Number of items filtered out during migration.
Failed Items: Number of items that failed to migrate.
Already Migrated Items: Items that were already migrated previously.
Migration Status: Current status of the migration process.
You can easily export the mailbox migration report from the Job Progress section in the dashboard's right panel.
To export the report, follow these steps:
Navigate to the Job Progress section in the right panel of the dashboard.
In the top-right corner, click on the button.
The Export mailbox migration report dialog box will appear. Click the Browse button to choose where to save the report.
The Browse for Folder dialog box will open. Select your preferred destination folder, or click the Make New Folder button to create a new one, then click OK to confirm your selection.
Note: Select the Open file after saving checkbox to open the destination file automatically after saving the report.
Click OK to view the mailbox migration report.
This report provides detailed information about the Mailbox progress, as given below:
Folder Name: Name of the folder being migrated.
Total Items: Total number of items in the folder.
Migrated Items: Number of items successfully migrated.
Filtered Items: Number of items excluded due to filters.
Already Migrated Items: Number of items that were already migrated.
Migration Progress: Percentage of the migration process completed.
Migration Status: Current status of the migration (e.g., in progress, completed, failed).
You can also export the Mailbox progress report from the Mailbox Progress section in the dashboard’s right panel.
To export the report, follow these steps:
Navigate to the Mailbox Progress section in the right panel of the dashboard.
In the top-right corner, click on the button.
The Export folder migration report dialog box will appear. Click the Browse button to choose where to save the report.
The Browse for Folder dialog box will open. Select your preferred destination folder, or click the Make New Folder button to create a new one, then click OK to confirm your selection.
Note: Select the Open destination file after saving checkbox to open the destination file automatically after saving the report.
Click OK to view the Mailbox Progress report.