Stellar Licensing Manager
Stellar Licensing Manager
User View displays migration details for individual users, helping track the progress of their data migration.
User View provides a detailed breakdown of each user's migration job, helping users track progress and monitor the status of their data migration. This view includes key metrics like job count, migrated items, and completion percentages, making it easier to track overall progress.
The following are the key metrics displayed in the User table, which provide insights into each user's migration progress:
User Name: Displays the name of the user who performs the migration task.
Job Count: Displays the number of migration jobs a user performs.
Total Items: Lists the total number of items migrated during the process.
Migrated Items: Displays the number of items successfully migrated.
Failed Items: Displays the number of items that failed during migration.
Filtered Items: Displays the number of items excluded from migration.
Completion %: Indicates the percentage of migration completion.
Start Date: Records the date when the migration starts.
End Date: Records the date when the migration finishes.
Last Job Start Date: Displays the start date of the most recent migration job.
Last Job End Date: Records the end date of the most recent migration job.
Account Count: Displays the number of accounts involved in the migration process.
The Filter Box allows users to narrow down the data displayed in the table, making it easier to find specific users or jobs based on selected criteria like job count, date range, or completion status.
Click a specific user from the list, and the Jobs window opens.
Jobs window shows all jobs related to the selected user, including job details, start/end times, and status.
Click job of the selected user to open the Mailboxes Window. It displays detailed migration data for each mailbox.
Click mailbox used for migration in the job, the Folder window opens. It tracks which folders migrate successfully and which ones fail.
Note: Each window has a filter box that lets you select the desired user, job, mailbox, or folder from the table.
A single page on the User View menu shows up to 25 reports only. To view other reports page, navigation buttons are provided below the table.
The following are the page navigation buttons available
To display more rows, check the box next to "Rows per page."
<< : will display the first page.
< : will display the previous page.
> : will display the next page.
>> : will display the last page