Stellar Licensing Manager
Stellar Licensing Manager
License Movement section tracks all actions related to license allocation and distribution within the cloud environment. It monitors the movement of licenses between source and target pools.
License Movement ensures the correct number of licenses go to the right locations. It offers transparency, supports auditing, and helps manage license usage efficiently. Administrators use it to track resources and maintain compliance with licensing agreements.
Product Code: Displays the unique code for the product in the migration.
Quantity Change: Displays the number of licenses added (positive) or removed (negative).
Action: Describes the action performed, such as "Revoke" or "Allocate."
Source Pool: Displays the current location of the licenses before moving.
Target: Displays the destination where the licenses go.
Target Type: Identifies the type of the target location (e.g., user, group, machine).
A single page on the License Movement menu shows up to 10 reports only. To view other reports page, navigation buttons are provided below the table.
The following are the page navigation buttons available
To display more rows, check the box next to "Rows per page."
<< : will display the first page.
< : will display the previous page.
> : will display the next page.
>> : will display the last page