Stellar Compactor for Outlook
Stellar Compactor for Outlook
Stellar Compactor for Outlook software compresses the PST file and decrease the size acquired by them in the disk. This enhances greater use of memory and also saves PST files from being corrupted. To compact a PST file, follow these steps.
1. Run Stellar Compactor for Outlook application.
2. Select the PST file If do not know the path of your file, then you can search it by Find PST option of the application.
3. Click Destination button to select the path where you want to save the compacted PST file. Default destination path is selected by default and is same as source path.
4. Choose any of the Compact Options available for attachments.
5. Choose any of the Advance Compact Options as per your preference.
6. Click on Compact button to start the compaction process.
7. On completion of process a Log Report is displayed that shows the details of the compacted file.
8. The compacted file name is same as the source file suffixed with Compressed.pst
Note: You need to import compacted PST file to view it in MS Outlook