SpeedUp Mac
SpeedUp Mac
Drag & Drop App feature helps to uninstall applications. You just need to drag and drop any App, folder (containing an App) or a volume in the application area. All the applications in the dropped folder will be uninstalled.
1. Run SpeedUp Mac.
2. Click Uninstall from the menu bar. A screen appears with four tabs in the left pane and by default, the Drag & Drop App tab is selected.
3. Drag the application from anywhere in the system and drop the application to the Drop App to Unistall area. As soon as you drop the App, SpeedUp Mac starts scanning for the App and its supported files.
4. After completion of the scanning process, the result shows the application and all the files related to it.
Note: After complete scanning of an Application, if you wish to add more apps to uninstall, simply drag and drop the desired app in the Drag & Drop App to Unistall in the right pane.
5. If you want to uninstall the complete App, then check the checkbox of the respective App name, it will uninstall the App completely.
If you only want to remove selective files from the App, then check against the desired files checkboxes that need to be uninstalled.
6. Click Uninstall Now button to uninstall the selected Apps.
7. A warning message is displayed. Click Yes to give your confirmation.
8. "Uninstall Completed Successfully' message is displayed after the successful unintsallation of the selected Apps. Click OK.