SpeedUp Mac
SpeedUp Mac
Use the Activation service to activate your copy of SpeedUp Mac. You can try all the functions of SpeedUp Mac free of charge during a one-time trial period. The trial period can be activated using a trial activation key. You receive the trial activation key through email after downloading the software.
Note: Make sure that you have an active Internet connection.
1. Run SpeedUp Mac. A window, as displayed below, pops up on the screen.
Note: If you wish to purchase the software online, click Get it now.
2. Enter the Trial Activation Key and click Activate button.
3. The trial of the software is activated after successful verification of the activation key you have entered.
4. 'Activation Completed Successfully' message is displayed after the process is completed successfully.
5. Click OK.
After the trial period is expired, you need to activate the full software using another Activation Key that you receive through email after purchasing.
Note: Make sure that you have an active Internet connection.
1. Run SpeedUp Mac.
2. Click the Activation button on the Activation ribbon. A window, as displayed below, pops up on the screen.
3. Enter the Activation Key and click Activate button.
4. The software is activated after successful verification of the activation key you have entered.
5. 'Activation Completed Successfully' message is displayed after the process is completed successfully.
6. Click OK.
1. Check Installer and Re-enter Activation Key
Make sure you have downloaded the correct installer. Use the download link given in the email or visit the desired product page to free download the software and then activate it using the code provided on your email.
2. Uninstall All Other Versions of the software
Uninstall any version of the software you may have installed earlier. Then re-install the desired version of the software and activate it.
3. Re-Enter the Correct Activation Key Without Blank Spaces
If copy and pasting the activation code isn’t working, try to enter it manually. Sometimes, while copying, you may copy the blank spaces, which can cause software activation failure.