Satyeshu Kumar
Windows Product Manager and writer at Stellar Data Recovery.
Satyeshu is a Windows blogger and data recovery expert. He is having good technical knowledge and experience in Windows data recovery. He writes about latest technical tips, Windows issues and tutorials.
Satyeshu is an M.B.A. and has an avid interest in technology. He also holds certificate in Inbound Marketing from HubSpot.
Satyeshu has been with Stellar Data Recovery since 2018 and looks after the marketing for Windows Data Recovery solution. He also keeps reading and sharing the latest happenings in and around the tech ecosystem.
In his spare time Satyeshu loves checking out new novels and explores work of new writers. He is also keen on travelling and loves going on solo trips.
Top 6 RAID Wiederherstellungssoftware
Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) ist eine fortschrittliche Speichertechnologie, bei der zwei oder mehr Festplatten kombiniert werden, um Fehlertoleranz, höhere Datensicherheit u...
Lösungen, um den BlueScreen of Death zu verhindern und zu beheben
1. Problembeschreibung Vielleicht kennt ihr diesen blauen Bildschirm, der euch leider manchmal vor oder während eurer Arbeit mit Windows 10 begrüßt Das ist der BlueScreen of Death oder Abbruchbildsc...